Why is a granny's purse always empty?


Grandparents the unsung heroes of the family unit?  Or the gullible fool who just don't know when to say no?  We swoop in like caped crusaders, armed with wisdom, patience, and a money tree somewhere? 

Let’s face it looking after grandkids in the UK is costing the silver army a pretty penny or two, no wonder we are going grey!!! With the estimates suggesting grandparents can shell out at least £4000 a year on granny day care duties, I am asking the question Why? Quite honestly, how I have I got that amount of spare cash to add to the already unaffordable life necessities? 

Grab a cuppa and let’s explore this financial phenomenon which is granny’s purse.

The Cost of "Free" Babysitting

We are sold the lie!!! Looking after grandkids is not free!!! Turns out it a bloody expensive gig. I have my grandkids twice a week and I try to make sure that I take them to as many free places as possible but when I add up on the parking and the petrol and the snacks and the coffee that is a necessity for me to keeping going then I can spend at least £10 per day and that’s a cheap day out!!  If I take them to one of those astronomical soft play centres which also charges the adults to enter then at least £25 just to enter the bloody place!! And there is the endless supply of food which helps negotiation and prevent meltdowns, the expenses add up faster than you can say "sugar rush." Oh, also let’s add in the £4000 per year I spend on wine just to get through!!!

The Snack Black Hole

Grandparents are notorious for their well-stocked snack cabinets, rivalling even the best corner shops. And let’s be honest, kids today have the appetites of small, ravenous dinosaurs. From organic fruit snacks to gluten-free, dairy-free, taste-free nibbles, these pint-sized humans have very particular (and pricey) tastes. Before they know it, Granny’s weekly shop has doubled, and she’s left wondering if she’s actually feeding an army. Now when I take into account, I have one grandchild who cannot eat dairy because she has a complete allergic reaction and will throw up, so weigh up the cost of dairy free food and let me tell you it’s not cheap! 

The Toy Box Never Stays Full

Gone are the days when a simple stick and a bit of imagination could entertain a child for hours. Today’s grandkids demand the latest gadgets, from robotic pets to tablet computers that could probably launch a space shuttle. And because grandparents can't resist those puppy-dog eyes, they cave faster than a biscuit in a hot tea. New toys, games, and electronics don't come cheap, and before long, Granny’s once again sacrifices herself!! Hero or fool? I think the latter

Fashion Forward, Financially Backward

Have you seen the price of kids' clothes these days? Between shoes that they’ll outgrow in a month and the endless changes of clothes due to trips, slips, falls, stains, dribble and other bodily fluids, dressing grandkids is like a merry go round with a hefty price tag. And let's not forget about the laundry bills from all those outfit changes after messy play. Granny’s washing machine is running a marathon, and her electricity bill is proof. 

Grandparent Guilt

Guilt is a powerful motivator. Every time we say “no”, “Not now, darling,” just adds to the vault of guilt. Grandparents often overcompensate by splurging on their grandkids. Nothing says “I’m sorry for not being there” like a £30 Lego set or an all-expenses-paid trip to Disneyland. (Which isn’t happening) Our own granny guilt, it’s an expensive emotion, but it keeps everyone smiling but keeps granny poor!

Be the best granny ever!

It’s not just peer pressure among kids to be liked, I think modern day grandparents also feel the need to keep up with other grandparent and also be the best, be trendy, be fun, be young at heart?  Do I want to keep up with other? I have pondered over this and would like to say I don’t feel like this but think that would be a lie.  I do think that a trip to the park is a great day out as long as I think I have given then fun and a new learning experience, but do I dream about an all-expensive trip to Disney or a ski trip to America, hell Yeah, of course I do but is that about keeping up with other or wanting my grandkids to think I am the best granny ever?   I think I’ll leave the Disney trip to mummy and daddy to sort and maybe if I am good they will take me too.  

Who am I kidding of course they will, they need a babysitter!!

A Heart Full of Love, a Wallet Full of Moths

At the end of the day, most grandparents would give their grandkids the world if they could. Their generosity knows no bounds, and neither, it seems, do their wallets. They may complain about the costs, but one look at those smiling faces makes it all worthwhile. Even if it means their next holiday is a staycation in their own back garden, they wouldn't have it any other way.?

So, there you have it. The mystery of the disappearing grandparent funds is solved. It’s a cocktail of love, guilt, competition, and the simple desire to make memories that keeps their wallets perpetually light. To all the grandparents out there: we salute you. And maybe consider opening a savings account just for the grandkids. Trust me you’re going to need it.

I have a Dino dinosaur money bank that I save £1 coins in and each year that’s called ‘the splurge fund’ I think now I know how much I am spending on those little bundles of joy, this money is going to be mine all mine!!!!



