A granny's quest for self-care

 Namaste fellow granny’s

The question? Is Self-care a fantasy or is it actually achievable?  

The story of a happy contented life is apparently within our grasp, but how do we actually master it? With work, kids, grandkids, family and any other duties that are required. 

If you are like me and have been chasing the idea of self-care for many years while being a master of avoiding it,  you will know, that there are many excuses that can be found, but my go to one is usually  'I am just too busy'.  But to be honest, I am not sure I actually know how self-care is supposed to make me feel?  I understand chaos and stress but, relaxation, your kidding me.  I sometimes think self -care is like trying to catch fog with my bare hands, just not achievable?

Self-care is like the pot of gold at the end of rainbow we can see it but can we bloody find it? Despite my best intentions selfcare is just another responsibility? So, do I give up the quest.? 

This is what I have tried so far: 

The Great Spa Escape

Picture this:  I finally got to go to a spa with my friend, a lovely massage. I robe up and think ok let’s do this.  I step into the tranquil oasis, greeted by soothing music and the most beautiful smell. This is going to be good!! Wrong, I actually not sure if am enjoying it. My brain is saying relax but my body is not responding well at all.

The massage finishes, I want to get off the bed faster than Hussain Bolt. My body is shaking like a shitting dog and I am actually feeling so sick. I then have to lie on the changing room floor!!! WTF I try to stand up, I am either going to be sick or poop my pants. I actually have to lie on the floor for an hour before I can move so massage not for me!!  I was traumatised!!! 

The quest continues!


It will  be peaceful, they say. I bravely venture into a yoga class, determined to find my inner zen. But as I contort my body into positions similar to balloon twisting, you realise that yoga is less about inner peace and more about trying not to fart in a room full of strangers. I wobble, I topple, and I inadvertently unleash a symphony of awkward noises – all while attempting to channel my inner guru. In the end, I stumble out of the class feeling more stressed-out than a serene yogi.

The Quest for Clean Eating

Ah, kale smoothies and quinoa bowls. Armed with good intentions I trudge round the supermarket filling my trolley with as much fresh produce as possible, my mission to clean up my diet. But as I turn the corner I see the chocolate, this Is where I turn into Homer Simpson MMMMMMMMMMMM chocolate, I am mesmerised by all the yumminess and my ability to control myself is the ultimate failure, the trolly has equal fresh produce and chocolate!  I am so weak. Defeated I am determined to try again tomorrow. 

Be more mindful 

(You are kidding right?)

What I actually think about:

 Nothing and everything

à      My Daughter 

à      Chocolate and any type of food  

à      My Grandchildren

à      The weather,

à      My Partner

à      Wine

à      My Mum

à      My family 

à      Smoking (which is don’t anymore)

à      Friends

à      Work 

à      Anything else that just pops into my head (this happens frequently)

à      Me

 All of the above require something from me, and thinking takes time.  I spend so long in a state of continual thinking or doing that I have forgotten how the ‘now’ should feel.  Be more mindful I hear people say, WTF, I have no time to think about being mindful, it just another thing to think about. 

The great outdoors:

Get back to nature, well in my younger days that may have meant some kind of shenanigans, long gone are those days of heady wonderment.  For me personally there is nothing better than a walk-in nature. Occasionally you may even find me hugging trees. I really enjoyed walking, I try where possible to take the grandkids into nature but that’s not relaxing trying to herd twins through the wilderness would be something that I doubt  SAS soldiers could do without losing their shit!

Laughing now that’s more like it

In the end, my self-care isn't about achieving Instagram-worthy perfection or mastering the art of mindfulness with effortless grace. It's about embracing the messy, hilarious journey of taking care of yourself – flaws, farts, and all. So, the next time I find myself face-planting in a yoga class I am going to just stop and laugh. Before I order the takeaway instead of eating a salad, drinking wine outside just to satisfy the back to nature aspect of self-care, I am going to try and remember to laugh it off. After all, laughter for me is the best form of self-care. Life is chaotic and will always be full of woes, so let’s laugh at the chaos.  Laughter for me definitely nourish my soul.

When I think about self-care I find I difficult to describe what It actually is, because it's different things to different people.  I would love to know what self-care means to you and what you do to bring a sense of self into the chaos that is life.



























