Mother's Day


If I am honest, I dread Mother's Day every year. It is just another day for me to be remined of how flawed I have been as a mum. Flowers, chocolates and lunch out is not for me ladies because, let’s be real, not all mums are picture perfect. If it was granny day then yes, I would win a prize. I am sure there are many mums who are the epitome of heart felt virtues and adoration and will have love showered upon them, but, in the spirit of balance and good humour, here are some reasons why others may not be.


The Forgetful Mum

We all know her – the mum who forgets birthdays, anniversaries, and even her own kid’s school events. She’s the one who shows up late to pick you up from any event or leaves the house without packing your lunch. Sure, she may mean well, but let’s face it she’s chaos on legs a mum that will leave you on the pavement while driving off, only to reverses back one she realises! This mum can leave you feeling very frustrated. This is probably me!


The Drama Queen Mum

Everything is a production with this mum – from minor mishaps to major life events. She’s the one who turns a simple family dinner into a full-blown soap opera or insists on making a scene everywhere you go. While her flair for the dramatic can certainly keep things interesting, it can also make you wish for a quieter, more low-key mum.


The Helicopter Mum

Hovering is her specialty, and she’s not afraid to swoop in at a moments notice to micromanage every aspect of your life. From constantly checking, well, everything about your life, she’s always on high alert, ready to intervene, she’s like a ninja on steroids, at the slightest hint of trouble, she swoops in. Her intentions may be good, but her overbearing nature can leave you feeling suffocated and stifled.


The Social Media Mum

Every moment is an opportunity for a photo op with this mum. Whether its snapping selfies or documenting every meal or just every breath on Instagram, she’s always on the lookout for the perfect photo, even staging them herself?! While her social media and tech skills may be impressively savvy, it can also leave you feeling like you’re living your life in the spotlight, with no privacy to be found.


The Sergeant Major Mum

She runs her household with military precision, the fear of doing something that does not fit with the strict daily drills and orders, the enforcer of strict rules with that iron fist. From wake-up calls at the crack of dawn to curfews that rival those of a maximum-security prison, she’s not afraid to lay down the law. While her discipline may in still a sense of structure and order, it can also make you long for a little more freedom and flexibility.


The Party Animal Mum

Every mum knows that when you host a kid’s birthday party, you transform into a party animal yourself. Suddenly, you’re not just a parent; you’re a magician, juggling act, comedian, dancing queen. You find yourself sprinting around like a gladiator, trying to create fun obstacles course that you’re the first to try out while you child just stands and looks at you, rolling their eyes and feeling total embarrassment. Your laughter becomes the que for a free for all and you watch your living room turn into a soft play area. Let’s not forget the party essentials food and alcohol that’s a must at every child party, right? (Not alcohol for the children -  you’re not that bad at being a mum). Yes, indeed, when it comes to kids’ parties, mums aren’t just party animals: they’re turn into full on entertainers that a Butlins red coat would envy. I was this mum too. This mum’s mantra is 'girls just want to have fun', right?

So, there you have it, not all mums are saints. Despite their shortcomings, let’s not forget that these mums are still human, with their own hopes, dreams, and struggles. So, this Mother’s Day, let’s celebrate mums in all their imperfect glory – because even the most flawed among us deserve a little love and appreciation now and then.

What kind of mum are you?
