The Best Places to Go for Snack Time

Since my grandchildren have reached the toddler stage, it has become increasingly important to find new ways to keep their daily routine entertaining. Life is busy and the days often fly by, and while establishing a proper routine plays a crucial role in their development, it is important to introduce them to new places and experiences to keep things fun. This is one of the reasons why I like to come up with new places to go for snack time. When the day starts early, and the little ones have already had their breakfast by the time you pick them up at 8:00 am, finding new, exciting activities becomes essential to getting through the rest of the day. 

Another (slightly more selfish) reason I like to go out for our mid-morning snack is because it allows me to break free from the usual routine, order myself a much-needed coffee, and keep my sanity! So, it is win-win, and I would recommend that anyone who looks after children on a regular basis shakes up their snack-time routine. If you are struggling to come up with any ideas, read on to see some of my suggestions on where to go.

Local Parks 

Local parks hold a special place in my heart, with memories spanning from taking my own children to now enjoying these spaces with my grandchildren. Whether it's a country park with ample outdoor space and family-friendly cafes, or a seaside park with stunning views, these outings provide fun and relaxation for grandkids and grandparents alike. Prepare for all weathers though as, here in the UK, even in the summer months the weather can be changeable and not all parks have indoor facilities. Speaking as someone with experience: bring a brolly! 

Small Independent Cafes

I am a great believer in supporting local independent cafes and businesses and I always try to do this where possible. Unfortunately, not all establishments are equally welcoming to young children. Some cafes embrace the chaos that comes with babies and toddlers, rearranging their spaces to accommodate them, while others can be less accommodating, leading to the accidental knocking over of a plant pot by my giant twin buggy – oops!

High Street Chains

Popular coffee shops like Costa and Caffe Nero have become a haven for grannies, offering a chance to relax with a cup of coffee when out for a trip into town. However, navigating through busy, crowded spaces with a double buggy and highchairs can be a real challenge! While they don’t have the charm of an independent coffee shop, you generally know what you are going to get with a high street chain, from the choice of food for fussy eaters to knowing that they will have baby changing facilities and highchairs. This may be something to consider if you are feeling nervous about taking the grandkids out for the first time. 


Some grandparents find solace in the gym, where family-friendly facilities and kids play areas are great to bring the little ones for a fun afternoon change of scene. They are often spacious and very accommodating of young families. I also feel comfortable taking in my own snacks for the kids, as they don’t seem to mind like they would in an actual cafe. The guilt of not working out is easily overshadowed by the joy of people-watching with a cup of coffee and slice of cake.
Soft Play Areas

Soft play areas provide a chaotic yet joyful experience for grandkids. However, they often have strict food policies meaning you are limited to only eating food bought on premises, which can be costly. Another thing to consider is the challenge of chasing your grandkids around the play area, one to bear in mind if you have bad knees like I do! Overall soft play areas are great fun for the grandkids, but I must admit I prefer the peace and quiet of a cafe myself. 
Local Farm Parks

Exploring local farm parks can be a delight. From the animals and play areas, to the outdoor spaces and cafes, they can be a great day out for both granny and grandchild alike. Keep in mind that they can be rather expensive. Many farms offer season tickets which are a good investment if, like me, you value the fresh air and exercise the kids get when visiting the farm. I always know when we get back from the farm that I will have some peace and quiet while the grandkids take a much-needed long nap. 
Church Playgroups and Community Centres
Many churches and local community centres offer facilities where you can relax and play and I have found them to be really good value for money, as you can usually take your own snacks along. They are also a great place to socialise with other grandparents and meet new people. I would recommend this to anyone who feels isolated when spending a lot of time alone with their grandkids, as it is more than likely you will meet someone in a similar situation to yourself.
In the journey of grandmotherhood, exploring new places with grandkids not only provides a valuable learning experience for the children but also serves as a sanity-saving break to routine for us grannies. What I have discovered is that there are so many child-friendly places that I did not know about as a grandparent. New mums are often introduced to these places, but nobody tells the grannies about them. So how do we share the knowledge on what’s available? That’s where The Granny Gang comes in! I have got us started with my list of top-spots for snack time, but I would love to hear where you like to go. Leave a comment on this post to share your favourite snack-time spot and we can build a list of recommendations for our community. 
